Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my little Mom's Birthday. She is 89 today... She sure looks good ........ We were in Springdale Arkansas all day yesterday moving a cousin so today I was not worth much, so we will take her out to dinner next week........ She is ok with that. We took a walk outside today and talked....... I love her so and wish for her many more birthday's out here in the country with me.........

Happy Birthday Mom..........

................. LEAF LIST..............

The New Year, time for turning over a new leaf, Right?

This is the time for resolutions and new beginnings of a new year. I have so many times in the past voiced out loud my "I'm Gonna" list.
No more.

Lets see now:

1. Lose this 40lbs that I am dragging around behind me.
2. Read My Bible more
3. Watch my mouth and listen more.
4. Study more and TV less.
5. Attitude, attitude, attitude.
6. Less murmuring and more praise.
7. Stop procrastinating and finish a project.
8. Organize my life
9. Turn over a new leaf.

When I looked I found that the other side of my leaf was the very same as the one that was now hidden, I cried.
It is the same list that I made last year. I know I tried to accomplish those things, I did I really did............."Again I cried.. I cannot do this Lord."

"I know you cannot was HIS response............. "But I can."

Gal 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

I love the writing of the Apostle Paul. He spent three years alone being taught by the Holy Spirit, and when he came on the scene he spoke the deep things of the Lord.
We were crucified with Christ and now we are dead, but yet we are still alive, but we live by the faith OF the Son of God. That little word OF is so very important.

The Father made provision for EVERYTHING in our lives even our faith. The faith OF Christ I now live. Did Christ have faith? Oh my gosh of course......... We now live being dead in the flesh living and moving in Christ with the faith that Christ had to do the living.
Now re-read that, and soak it in.

Sometimes it is hard for me to wrap my mind around those things. Dead men to not fret or worry or strive. Consider yourself dead Paul says, consider yourself unable to function as to living outside of Christ. NOW that you have fed on that........ draw on the faith that JESUS had and live.
If we can ever get to the place that when we set our feet on the floor each morning, we have a conscience thought that we are dead IN CHRIST, the things on our leaf list will be hidden away in Christ, and if that be so, what things can we accomplish this new year in the name of the Lord.

HE did the dying so that we could live, but not live in our power but in the power of CHRIST.
"but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith OF the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

What is on your leaf list that you need to hide in Christ?

HAPPY NEW YEAR girls. I am so blessed that each of you are in my life and I look forward to continued friendships and I look forward to what the Lord is going to do you each of your lives this year of 2009.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Look At THIS !!!!!!!!!!

Ladies............. ask me if it was worth waiting till today for our Christmas? Just ask me........ or just take a look at this picture.................. This is Mom with her brother my Uncle Ed. She is 89 this coming Tuesday and he is 87........... This is their first Christmas in about 20 years!!!!!!!! Is this the perfect picture for the perfect day or WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will post more Tuesday as I have to be in Springdale Arkansas tomorrow by 10:30 or so to help a cousin move................... soooooooooooo I am so tired and need to go to bed............... but look at those faces !

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What I thought last week was going to be a crazy mixed up Christmas has turned out to be quite a blessing. We will have about 10 people here tomorrow. People that I have not shared Christmas with for many years, and they are family.

I talked to Mom today and she is not doing too well and I tried to take her shopping but that did not work. Some days she is good and others she is not. Yesterday when it was so warm, she went out and took the Christmas lights off of her deck. When Dennis went over there latter that night to plug them in he found them piled up on a chair on the deck. So latter today after we got home from shopping I asked her if it was ok if I put them back. She could not tell me why she took them off, bless her heart.

I so look forward to everyone being here tomorrow and I think that the Lord had a plan and I need to learn to be still and watch what HE is doing. I learned a good lesson this week. We celebrate the Christ each day of our lives and weather it be on December 25th or the 28th or what ever day we gather to rejoice in HIS birth ......... it matters not.......I so wish that all my family would be here, I pray that each of the other two siblings would find in their hearts peace and love and joy in the Lord. I wish that we could all be together as when we were children. I do not know how or when the Lord will heal the brokenness in our family but I will believe.

I will post some pictures on Monday I hope, we might be helping a cousin move so I am not sure what Monday will bring, but this one thing I know.......... He is always in control and HE has a plan for our lives and each day that we allow HIM, HE will lead.

So I leave you with this: If you must follow the stars; be a wise man.........................

Hugs !

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas AGAIN!

Sounds like you gals had a great Christmas............... We had a wonderful time Christmas Eve with lots and lots of family............ then we had a Christmas brunch with my son Chris..........hosted at his house................ Then because my Mom and Dad did not get to have their Christmas, we left all our gifts and turkey and dressing and pies and family till this coming Sunday.................. We will make it right and we will celebrate again! And if all goes well I will have something very special for my Mom......... She and Dad deserve something special and after all Christmas is everyday.....

Have a wonderful weekend !

Blessings to each of you and on to a New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Author unknown.
I have tried to rewrite this by memory . I heard this many many years ago and have shared it in Christmas Eve services in many churches. I hope you enjoy. Denise

Through kind eyes he watched as she dressed to go out to the Christmas program. She was faithful to go every year on Christmas Eve. He watched as she reached for her coat and he quickly rose to help her with her scarf and hat. It seems to be getting a bit colder outside and he wants her warm.

He is thankful that the little country church is only a couple of miles away, but every year he just has no understanding of the celebration of the Christ child. Oh, he believes in God but he just cannot believe that God, the God came to earth in the body of a baby to save us from our sin, he just could not believe.

Soon after she drove from the house he started a fire in the fireplace, he so loved the warmth and glow that it produced, and then he settled into his favorite chair with a good book to wait for her return. He had not set there long before he felt a chill. Had the wind changed direction? He gazed out his picture window to see that indeed the wind had shifted and blowing right out of the north and snow began to fall. He did love the winter time and this particular night the snowflakes seemed to come alive under the light over the barn.
He is a gentle man with a rugged face etched with the years of work on the farm. He has a tender heart big enough for all those that know him. One of his favorite pastimes was building houses and feeders for his birds. He loved the birds, birds of all kind and he would stand for great lengths of time watching them flit in and out of the grove of trees just outside his window.

It had only been a very short time since his wife had left and the weather had taken a terrible turn for the worse. Snow became ice and the wind was now gale force and he could not see the barn only 500 feet away.

His mind drifted to his wife, but he had comfort in knowing that amidst the precious folks that she worshipped with, someone would see to it that she did not make the journey home alone.

Suddenly he heard it, pounding against the picture window, he turned again to the window and to his horror he saw them. A large flock of birds had been caught unawares by the sudden storm and they were seeking shelter anywhere they could. The warmth of the fire and the light from the window were beckoning them to come and they began to fly into the window in an attempt to escape the storm....... They were falling into the snow as they flew again and again toward the light. Quickly he hurried to close the curtains and turn off the light in order to deter them from trying to enter.

Quickly he grabbed his coat and boots and headed out toward the barn. If he opened the door to his barn and turned on all the lights they would go toward that light. With the lights on and the huge heavy doors braced opened to withstand the fierce wind, he thought surely they would see that he had provided them safety, but they continued to panic as the storm grew in strength. With the passing of each minute they continued to be violently thrashed in the wind. The grove of trees just outside his window were now heavy with ice and above the roar of the wind he could hear the snapping and breaking of the huge branches that supported the feeders and houses.

He was cold from the freezing rain but he just had to find a way to lead them to safety. He hurried into his barn and into the back room that housed all his tubs and barrels of bird seed, and he quickly grabbed the bucket and filled it to the brim with a mixture of sunflower hearts, black sunflower, striped sunflower, also oats, maize, hemp, safflower, and linseed. He quickly hurried toward the grove of trees where the birds were trying to find shelter, he recklessly poured a ample trail of seed from the grove toward the barn. He struggled against the wind and there were several times that he lost his footing and fell onto the ice covered ground.

The storm continued with 50 mph gusts and after several trips to the seed barrel and a trail of seeds that lay before them, they still continued to struggle with storm that was taking their lives. He was weary.......but he continued to try to somehow reach them and show them the way....... For the next 45 minutes or so he left bread crumbs, crumbled cornbread he found on the counter left from dinner, rolled oats from the cupboard and yet they still died.

Cold and wet and weary he stood in the shelter of the barn. The flood lights from the eve of the barn caused the ice covered ground to glisten....it could have been a beautiful sight but tonight he grieved............So many thoughts racing through his mind what more can I do. He stood helpless. Then, a thought came to him, if I could only become one of them, I could lead them to safety.................

As the realization of that thought burst in his mind and the reality of the incarnation of Christ overcame him and he wept. He stood in that cold barn for how long he cannot remember. The night was cold and dark but something inside of him became alive, and he knew that he would never be the same. He stood gazing into the night anxiously awaiting the return of his wife.


Merry Christmas girls and as we gather together to celebrate this day we remember:

The Father sent many before HIM to give us instruction, yet we continued to perish. HE then sent Jesus to become one of us, to lead us back to the safety of the Father house.

Jesus came without hesitation. He had been with the Father from the beginning of time. He was one with the Trinity. HE came at the request of the Father. He came and lived among us as one of us yet without sin. HE spoke of the love of the Father and bid us to follow HIM. After all HE once lived with the Father, HE knows the way back to the Father. Follow HIM.

HE is The GIFT........ Let us Rejoice........

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have promised a picture of my shop for a long time and I have put it off until my shop was nice and tidy, but girls, my shop will never be nice and tidy......... soooooooooo I cleaned it up today after finishing most of my job and quickly took some pictures before it gets busy again.......... soooo without further ado............... My shop........... So when you hear me say that I am busy in my shop this is where I am working...............

First I want to post this picture of my Jingle for the Cure hosted by Deena over at Can I be Pretty in Pink.. I received this today from my swap partner Sandy and I put it on my Christmas tree in my shop...... Isn't it pretty..................
Now for a picture of my book swap from Stacy she sent me this craft book and it is filled with good stuff that I am anxious to make............. I will put some stuff on my Etsy shop after Christmas...... it was a wonderful swap............... NOW.......... My shop.......
This picture is the back of the shop where I have my stash of material and my ironing board and hangers full of sweat shirts and Tee shirts......... I have one more job laying on the ironing board, it is three heavy long sleeve shirts with a Carhart jacket to embroidery tomorrow afternoon. You see my back door in the far right of the picture and that goes outside to my pool !!!!!!!!!! YEAH.. but it is covered right now (sad face) but summer is coming.

This is just a little table that sits right outside my kitchen door where I like to display items that I make...... You will see a better picture of it in a minute....
This is a picture from the back door looking toward the front of my shop.. You see my shop front door in the background. My embroidery machine is to the right of the picture and my counter that has all my little plastic drawers where I keep all my stuff......... My sweet hubby built that counter for me two years ago and it is wonderful .............My sewing machine is sitting in the foreground on a small table, when I need it I just move it up to the desk table where there is a lot of room to sew........
This picture is taken behind my desk looking out the windows..........There are three front windows but I have the shades drawn except for the one in front of the tree........... The shop faces west so I have a beautiful view out the front of my house. And it is a wonderful place for some summer plants.......... If you look right in the counter you will see my printer on a shelf, and my PC is sitting right to the left .... The printer will slide out when I need to use it..... It is a scanner, printer, copier.......... It works real well for scanning designs for my customers........
This is looking from the door just inside the shop looking toward my kitchen door. This was once a garage so the door going into the house is not a very pretty door so this summer we will be replacing it with a door just like the back door in a few pictures up......... Sweet...............
My machine sits under a North window and right across the yard is the little house where Mom and Dad live....... I can work at my counter and see their front door.. That makes it nice for me and for them.............

Here is my stash girls...... Material, material,material. There are wooden crates between the shelves and I have material on cardboard sitting up in the box... Better picture is below. Little plastic drawers hold stuff! I is pretty organized but it could use some help........ My DH is going to put another brace under the bottom shelf, you can see how it is drooping just a bit.......

These are my cutter quilts. I have several craft ideas for these......... I have people all the time wanting them........... Nope......... I have collected them for a long time and I have several more tucked away in a closet....... I sure hope I can get my butt in gear and make some things !

What you see here is my patterns that I have been buying for about 3 years now.. waiting for the day that I can start making dolls and prim things........ There is some wonderful patterns there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you look close there is a wooden box sitting there with patterns and material inside. I just take cardboard and cut it into strips and wrap the material around it and stand them up. It is in disarray right now but I have been busy! ahahhahah That sounds like a good excuse !
See at that material, I save all the little strips. Those dolls do not take much material sometimes and any little scrap can turn into a bow or something !

Peg board with my embroidery thread and hoops and hat attachments....... Wall heater for heating.... The entire house is total electric so we just put a propane tank outside and hooked up this little heater...... It does a good job...........We are moving the peg board while he is off over the Christmas holiday........ It is going on the North wall at the end of my counter......... That will put it right by my machine and I will not be walking back and forth for thread and hoops............ Ain't he sweet!
See that back door, that is the same door that I am going to replace the old brown door going into my house........... What do you think? I think it will look great! I will be able to see in the shop without going out there and see into the house from the shop............ do you think it will look ok? I hope to do that this summer.
You can see the printer better in this picture....... It is kind of tidy don't you think, and those heavy black mats are wonderful under my feet.............

A view from my chair............. I am so blessed......................

Right inside the front door......... You can have a seat and we can visit.............

Just coming out of the kitchen, look at that TV in the corner....... We are changing to cable TV this next week and I will have a big TV during the day........ I hate to say it but I am a TV freak but I am doing better......... but when NCIS comes on I have to watch! I have to!!!!!!!!!

I am a basket freak and have them everywhere.......... I collect wicker picnic baskets..... you can see them peaking out from under that little table and in front of my counter is several stacked up with a plant sitting on them ..... they all have something in them, but I am always forgetting what ! hahahahha Picture below is of the ones in front of the counter............. Sweet !!!!!!!!

This huge baskets sits in front of my desk and is full of doll bodies...... I found a girl on Ebay that was going out of the doll business and going into quilting........... She gave me a good deal on these.... There are 55 doll bodies and she threw in some dresses and pantaloons............Sweet.. Then the picnic baskets with my old watering can with my spider plant.. My shop also functions as a green house for my summer plants......... They love the west window and all the sunshine and not the cold! Most of them do real well.................

And my unfinished project.......She is waiting for a face and hair and some trim on her dress.......... She is a Christmas present for a special person in my life.. Cannot tell you right now as she reads my blog.......... I will tell after Christmas and maybe have a picture of her and her doll........!!!!!! Betty Boop just sits and watched all the goings on in my shop.. She is the keeper of old buttons.....

I had a terrible time taking pictures of the tree in the dinning room. The light flash and it is almost impossible to snap a picture at the time they are all lite! Soooooooooooo never mind.

This is the dinning room as you come in from my shop. If you will look at the ceiling just past the tree you will see what appears to be a patch in the ceiling...... You are right.....There was a wall there just before Thanksgiving, and down it came ! I love the huge room now and you can see my front door in the background. We have a lot to do but for now it is functional. We are going to lay a new wood floor and paint the kitchen cabinets. But that is for this summer or next summer. It works for now.

Table at the far end of the dinning room.......... It really looks good at night when all the lights are off except for the tree.............. I love Christmas.........

You cannot tell much about the picture above the table but it is just a pair of hands reaching down and the caption is "Come Unto Me" .......... Oh how HE bids us to come.............

My tree.. It really is pretty but some how this picture does not do it justice!

Well that is all, thanks for staying with me on this picture tour........ I will post a Christmas story tomorrow and it will stay until the week after Christmas..... Wishing you all a Christmas filled with love and laughter and mostly Jesus.......... Please invite HIM to sit and stay a while this Christmas day, HE does love a good meal and friends and laughter!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We Are The Reason For The Season

Merry Christmas

and with that said let it melt your heart to the real reason we celebrate.
For you see we are the reason for the season.
He came without hesitation, leaving His crown at the feet of the Father. He came as scripture foretold. He came, His future planned before the foundations of the earth. He came with a whimper in a manger, knowing that He would die as a result of His birth. Yet He came.
He came from the Father so we could be reconciled back to The Father. He came from the Father and He was without sin. He came in obedience to the Father, so that we could cry Abba Father.

Romans 8:15
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father

Let us rejoice

He came. He is coming again
Merry Christmas

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tim MC Graw ....... and Country and Western Music

Wanted to share with you ladies , while I sat in that little room waiting for my wonderful Dr I heard a song on the radio. They listen to country and western music. Now I do not listen to C& W music but that day I was a captured audience. The song was by Tim McGraw and the title was "Live Like You Were Dying." Not really something that you want to hear while sitting in a Dr office. Anyway he is singing about a man in his early 40's that has had bad news about loosing his life and when asked what he did with that news, here is one of his answers ....."I gave forgiveness I'd been denying" and he said someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying"

It was a combination of words that so touched my heart and I was a bit surprised at my reaction to the song. Isn't is strange how the Lord sometimes uses what HE can to reach us? HIS spirit knows neither time or space or music and if in the words of a C&W song then so be it. HE is a very resourceful God. As I sat there the rest of the song slipped past me with not a thought but those few words kept resounding in my mind. "I gave forgiveness I'd been denying." How profound and it almost caused me to cry. I sat there and reflected on some people that I have withheld forgiveness.
Oh yes, it is that bright light that shines in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that goes into the dark places that we think we have hidden. It is that sudden intrusion of the Holy One , the third person of the Trinity that comes in an instant when least expected and shines HIS light, a light that we cannot ignore. It is the TRUTH that comes, and when in that instant we only want to spew the fact of why we have not, HE brings the TRUTH, and in that truth there is no escape. In that correction by the Holy One comes repentance and the repentance turns to adoration because of the LOVE in HIS correction.
Never an accusation, only correction followed by LOVE, and in the moments that follow, HIS forgiveness I sough for withholding from them what HE so freely gives. How we hold in our hearts things that cause us pain, we hold tight thinking that we have a right some how to withhold from others what HE gives to us freely.
As we come together this season to celebrate the birth of CHRIST, while we wrap the gifts and trim the trees help us LORD to first forgive those to whom we have withheld forgiveness.
It is the very reason HE came.......... Forgiveness----- It heals all it touches.

And I wonder what we would do tomorrow if we were to live like we were dying.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Prayer Please

Just need a little prayer from you... I have been sick for two weeks now and saw my Dr Tuesday. He ran some test and we are still waiting on those. He is checking my liver and pancreas to make sure nothing is going on there........ I am down to hot tea and small bites of bland yogurt. The Doc is thinking that it is a ulcer. I need to learn to deal with the stress of taking care of these two little people out here........ I cannot eat because of the pain and bloating. I see a specialist on Jan. 16th but I need the Lord to move in my life now. I know that there are many of you out there that pray............ I would appreciate a little whisper today...........

I am about finished in my shop. Just two more blankets for a sweet lady that takes care of bathing Mom and Dad and I am finished. My shop gets really busy this time of year and if I do not put a closed sign on the door people will keep coming till Christmas Eve........... There are a lot perks for having a business at your home but then there are the draw backs........... I have had people pull up in my driveway on Sunday Morning................ Mercy!

Thanks for the prayers.......... YOU GIRLS ROCK !!!


Dr just called and all test are excellent........Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas etc are all working just fine and show no signs of trouble! Dancing for joy here......... So he is pretty confident that we are looking at an ulcer....... I am going to pray and repent today and fast and tell the Lord I am sorry for letting my stress level get to this point.. I am going to cast my care on HIM for HE cares for me..... I am headed to the health food store for some DGL and I see the specialist in Jan.
So............ I feel the prayers girls and God is faithful.........so pray away and I bet God will intervene before time for the specialist!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah hallelujah

For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

For the lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

The kingdom of this world;
is become
the kingdom of our Lord,
and of His Christ
and of His Christ

And He shall reign for ever and ever
And he shall reign forever and ever
And he shall reign forever and ever
And he shall reign forever and ever

King of kings forever and ever
hallelujah hallelujah
and lord of lords forever and
ever hallelujah hallelujah
King of kings forever and ever
hallelujah hallelujah
and lord of lords forever and
ever hallelujah hallelujah
King of kings forever and ever
hallelujah hallelujah
and lord of lords
King of kings and lord of lords

And he shall reign
And he shall reign
And he shall reign
He shall reign
And he shall reign forever and ever

King of kings forever and ever
and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah
And he shall reign forever and ever

King of kings and lord of lords
King of kings and lord of lords
And he shall reign forever and ever

Forever and ever and ever and ever
King of kings and Lord of Llords

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Changes .....

As for the changes....... I have got myself too busy and too stressed with the blogs... I have decided to close the Friday Flea Market, and the Sew The Word ... I will use my Samaritan Women blog for my devotionals, that is what it was created for and the Day to Day blog will be just fun stuff about me and family. I have a Sew The Word Web site about finished and that is where I will put my primitive dolls and such. There is also Etsy shops that I am looking at........... soooooooo it works for me......... What do you think? Love ya'll much .......... Got to go and work in the shop........ lots of embroidery to finish for customers......... Talk soon.............

Saturday, December 6, 2008


39 years ago today a boy child came into my life. He was all wrinkled and beautiful and rubbed a big blister on his nose while in the nursery at the hospital.. He was a hoot when we brought him home............... Today he is the love of my life along with my wonderful hubby Dennis. Christopher has a kind and forgiving heart and he has stood beside me all the years that I messed up my life and his. He forgives easy and he loved deep. He lives here in town close and that does my heart good. He is a police officer and has been for many years now and he is a good cop. I pray for him daily...... Happy Birthday Chris............ You are a good son.............I know that for your faithfulness to me during those hard years that God is going to bless you above all that you can imagine....

Love Mom

Philippines 1971 Christmas Day........... Chris and his brother Darryl

Latter that day in the front yard......... Beautiful weather......

Christmas 1974............. Look at those stripe pants on Darryl......... I was a bad mother! hahaha

School years ! Those are just priceless............... I remember that little shirt like it was yesterday..
School Days, school days, dear old golden rule days..................

Easter Sunday 1976, I think.............. They did look sharp !

NOW, ALL GROWN UP..........

My wedding day............ Chris was my witness....... he is on the right side of the picture and Darryl is on the left.......

Christopher the police officer........... I am sooooooooooooo proud...........
His brother Darryl will turn 43 on Wednesday 10th. We have not seen him in 4 or 5 years now..... I forget............ I miss him............. One day I will get to hug his neck on his birthday... I am believing God..............

Monday, December 1, 2008

I Cried and Cried

I cried and cried today like I have not cried in a long time........... My sweet little Mom was so mistreated today and it threw her into a state that I have never seen.
If you have been reading my blog for a while you know that me and my husband and brother Paul and his wife Alpha have been taking care of my Mom and Dad for several yeas and the past year and half they have been living right out by my house. After the dust settled and I went back over there to see how she was doing, she was standing on the front porch with no shoes and no jacket. It was very cold today and I gentle spoke to her as not to upset her any further and told her she might need to go inside. I went in and finished their dinner and on my way back to the house from the bottom of my heart came sobs that I could not contain. I just cannot imagine someone taking that precious little woman and manipulating her just to get something. That is what this is all about, it is to get something that Mother owns, and this person is hell bent to get it.

I just cannot tell you how my heart hurts tonight for my Mom, I cannot tell you who did this but they are part of this family............ they read my blog and even now will be writing something to tear me down again......... I just cannot understand why in the world a person that claims to be born again can do that to this precious soul. This person does not care about others only themselves. I have kept to my self a lot about this situation in our family as I do not want to upset Dad....... (he is on the Internet) but this blog is a way for me to talk and share and find some kind of release for these things that hurt our hearts............

I want to pray and forgive and ask God to bless this person and help them to understand the damage they did today............ but some days I do not want to pray............ I do not want God to bless them, I want them to understand what they did today and feel sorry and maybe repent.
Me and PE and Alpha and Dennis are working so hard to keep them safe and well and for someone to do this is far beyond anything that my mind can even imagine.
Tell me ladies, what would you do, how would you handle someone in the family that would have no regard for the feelings of these precious little people in my care. If I were a man and this were a man we would meet in the front yard............. but that cannot happen. I just so covet your prayers tonight ........ Pray for Mom that tomorrow she has recovered and regains some of the mental state that keeps her able to stay out here.............. I am so angry, I am so hurt, I so am still crying............. Ladies, just say a prayer tonight for my Mom.............. I love her so and want her here and happy................

Friday, November 28, 2008


It is so early on Friday morning but wanted to just write a bit... Thanksgiving was wonderful, one of the best in a couple of years. I must confess to you that a few weeks back it was the last thing I wanted to do this year. In fact we were invited for Thanksgiving with many friends and cousins. The thought of not having to do all as I do every year was very appealing to me. It came down to Monday of this week and I just could not bring myself to do it. I knew early on that Dad would not go, I am sure that Mother would, but not Dad. I justified in my heart that we could bring him a plate latter in the day and then have coffee and pie with brother Paul and Alpha.

The Lord started dealing with my heart thus on Monday I started planning a small Thanksgiving dinner here with Mom and Dad and brother Paul and Alpha.

Dad is 91 and very very frail and getting more so each day and I have shared with you where we are with Mother, and Thanksgiving day was no exception, she was in another world.
I do not know how many Thanksgivings I will have with them, I do not know what tomorrow brings. I do not know why the other two siblings do not see what is right before their eyes, I do not know how hearts can get so clouded. But this I do know, it was a wonderful day with Mom and Dad and PE and Alpha and my sweet hubby.
I am thankful that I listened to the leading of the Lord, I am thankful for the tenderness of my husbands heart as he prayed over our meal and cried when he prayed for our friend Jean. I am thankful that my sweet brother Paul came in and had us all in gut laughter in less than a minute, and I am thankful for the wonderful casseroles and pies and potatoes that sweet Alpha brought in the door and helped to prepare the meal. I am thankful that the six of us sat at a small table looking across at each other, laughing and eating and laughing. It was a good day with sweet memories that I will have for many years.
It was Thanksgiving, and I give thanks to the Father for the precious gift of my Mom and Dad for this one more Thanksgiving..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



I am not a gloom and doom person and never have been. BUT I also am not an ostrich with my head in the sand... I have completely stopped watching the news and am reading only Christian newsletters and I am very particular about which one of those I read. One that got my attention this morning I want to share with you......... I am just going to put a link here if you care to read. Preparing for a Charismatic Meltdown It is not written with a lot of fluff and feel good stuff in order to give a false sense of goose bumps.... Sorry about that ladies, but I have been in too Sunday Services where there was all fluff and no meat... We need meat today ladies, not fluff.
The word of God tells us very specifically that if it is not built on the truth and the word of God then the foundation will not hold when the truth comes to visit.

1 Cr 3:10
According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

1 Co 3:11
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Let us each examine our foundations and see if they are built on the one true God... All others will crumble. It is not what I think, it is what the word of God tells us. Let each of us be sure of our foundation and the truths that keep us free.

2 Th 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for (that day shall not come), except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

1 Pe 2:6
Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on HIM shall not be confounded.

Do not be confounded, our foundation is sure...

I am not a gloom and doom lady but I also understand that Jesus rebuked the men of HIS time for not being able to read the signs of the times...

Mat. 16:3
And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?

Read and study, build up your inner man. Know in whom you believe... HE is the ONE TRUE GOD........ there is no inclusions doctrine.

The TRUTH is coming to call...

Be blessed girl friends, keep your feet planted on the solid rock. It cannot be moved.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Lost Package and Dana

A few weeks ago I told you a story (read about it here IS THIS CUTE OR WHAT ) about a lady that received my package by mistake. Seems that one number had been transposed on the package. She noticed that the return address included a phone number and so she called Michele, my swap partner for a few months. Michele told her who the package belonged to and long story short I met her down town to pick up my package. Michele and I decided that because of her kindness and honesty we would reward her with a gift or two. So a couple of weeks latter I surprised her with a little gift from me and a gift mailed by Michele. Here she is Dana, she has a little beauty and gift shop downtown and she is a sweetie......... Thought you would like to see her picture.

She is a sweet person and I have offered to teach her to BLOG!!!!!!! I have shared with her what wonderful people are here on the blog and how much fun she would have ! I will let you know!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Friend Jean

You ladies remember my friend Jean? Well the cancer is back and it is very bad. They will start her on a new experimental treatment of new chemotherapy, but the Dr. said it is very experimental and her cancer has come back with a vengeance. Four years ago this past October the Dr. told her one year and at the very outside 2 years....... God has granted her 4 years and some months. The Dr. only know what they know and they do not know the will of God for her life. She has been so blessed. They have sent her home with pain medication and medicine for her nausea. Just a month ago the pancreas did not show any signs of cancer but ................ She now is very sick. She cannot eat or drink and they are trying to keep her hydrated. She is 24 hour Hospice now. I will go and see her when I can each day. Mom is so much worse and her memory is just about gone, she fell the other day because she forgets to use her walker. Thus I just cannot be gone from here for very long at a time.
Pray for my friend Jean. She gets to see Jesus before I do and she gets to see her sweet Nelson in the near future. Can you imagine looking into the face of God and seeing HIM smile............. I can only imagine.

What will it be like to spend my time just in worship to the one that set me free...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ladies.......... did you doubt me? I hope not......... Rough weekend here and Monday and Tuesday were not much better.......... BUT I am fine now and back on top of things... and speaking of on top of things I thought I would show you my "Buddy" His name is Moses and he is a love bird. Do not let that name fool you........ He is meaner than a junk yard dog when he wants to be. He loves to sit on top of my grapevine in my shop. He is 8 years old this December. We bought him 5 days after he hatched. He had no feathers and his eyes were still closed. They put a band on his leg and we took him home 8 weeks latter. They only live in captivity about 5 years so he is doing good. He is not spoiled or anything ! hA! Isn't he beautiful......... but can you see that mischievous look in his eye!

I have been working in my shop on some new projects and I thought I might show you a few things.. This is something that I am playing with and I think it turned out ok, what do you think? It is stitched on tea stained muslin. It is framed in glass so if you click on the picture to get an up close look the white spots are the glare from the glass. ......I think that I am going to put it over on my SEWTHEWORD blog this weekend along with a few other things and sell them... What ya think? I think this is a 5 x 7 frame size.
These are my primitive apples and pumpkins. I have just learned to make these and have had a lot of fun with them. I have carrots and butternut squash in the works... They are too much fun to make and to sit around for holiday decor.... I am going to try my had at a poinsettia latter but not in time for this year but maybe next.
Here is one of the larger pumpkins up close and personal ....... I need to cut his leaves a bit but they smell so good. I stain them with a mixture of folk art paint mixed with vanilla and coffee! YUM!
I have them here in a group along with some moss from Wal-Mart. When I get my kitchen cleaned up from all the sheet rock dust I am going to put some in the middle of my table. That will be tooooooooooooo cute!
This pillow is a first........ I have been learning appliqué on my machine without cutting the letters first! It is a bit time consuming so not sure if I am going to pursue these or not... but they look cute laying on the fireplace mantel or grouped with other pillows...... This one is about 12" long.

The back of the pillow.............tooooooooo cute material... I think I am going to use it with my apples...........

These are my primitive apples and I just love them......... Next batch I am going to put some apple pie spice in the paint ................ That will be sooooooooooooooooooo sweet! I have sent some of these to my swap partner last month and I took a couple to another gal in town. I have pictures to share with you the end of the week about her... She loved them! Just put them in a little basket with some moss and there you go...!

Now......... here is the fun part..... well except for the winner which I will tell in just a minute........... We had such fun at the craft fairs this past month in Arkansas. Bella Vista to be exact... That ............................................... We are going to go back next year and we are going to have a booth!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to make dolls and lots of dolls and punkins and apples and carrots and squash and stuff and me and my sweet DH are going to take that to Bella Vista next year for 4 days and just sit and visit and meet great people and make some money maybe or not! This is a canvas tent booth that we saw a few weeks ago in Oklahoma and we just love it........ It is very very rustic and looks just like something that would frame my dolls and stuff so well! AND this tent is for sale!!!!!!!!!! We will contact here latter in December when she finishes her craft fairs and heads home. Is that exciting or what!
Anyway... I have a few dolls almost finished and will have pictures of them on the Sew The Word next week...........

Now without further ado.................. I took all the names from the first post with the strange machine (and by the way got lots of fun guessing) then I took all the names from the second post where I told you to hurry and guess.......... I listed them from the first post first and then the second and took out all the duplicate names and this is the list I got............. Then I went to the numbers generator and typed in the number and this is the number it gave me!

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-11-12 07:34:48 UTC

1 Mary said...
2. Denise said...
3. JC said...
4. countrygirl3031 said...
5. Sharon Brumfield said...
6. PEA said...
7. MelanieJoy said...
8. kansasrose said...
9. Joyce said...
10. elaine @ peace for the journey said...
11 .Sandi McBride said...
12 .Hootin' Anni said...
13. Talk..to..Grams said...
14 .judy said...
15. Angie said...
16. Love Bears All Things said...
17. Tracy said...
18. Shirley said...
19 .Annette said...
20 .Belinda said...
21. Wonderfully Sew Knit said...
22 .Dawnie said...
23 Edge of Design said...
24. Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...
25. 'Tart said...
26. Tracy said...
27. Love Bears All Things said...
28 .Chris said...
29. valerie said...
30. Mississippi Songbird said...
31. Back Through Time said...
32. Deb said...
33. Mariel said...
34. Linda said...


EDGE OF DESIGN............

Congrats Denise..

I am sending you the pillow with a couple of apples and a couple of pumpkins ! Enjoy.........

Well ladies ........ as usual I so enjoyed this and I think I will give away some things in December! You can never tell...........

Love you gals so much....... you will never know what you mean to me!
