Friday, September 12, 2008

Bless Be The Bloggers......... I Love You Each And All

My dear friends Flip Flop and Grams has blessed me with a lovely award. To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means:"This blog invests and believes, the proximity"[meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy] How awesome is that??

"They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate? Go here and scroll down a little ways to read more about this award.
Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 blogger s that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
Thank you so very much for thinking of me Grams and Flip Flop! I appreciate your friendship so much!! Thank you ladies and I will pass this along tomorrow........ I pray that any of you in the path of IKE that God keep HIS hand of protection upon you all.....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nothing Less Than Raising The Dead

.......It was September 10, 1977 somewhere mid morning around the lunch hour. Two women dressing to go to Women’s Aglow meeting. One full of the Holy Spirit and walking in her calling, and one lost and undone, broken who’s life held nothing good except the two little boys laughing and romping in the house with their cousins. There life, like hers would never be the same after that day.

.......Oh, it was no accident that she would be in that place at that time. It was a divine appointment and HE was waiting. The few months leading up to this day was full of amazement for her but mixed with horror and fear and turmoil. Her third marriage was so very broken and she was physically and emotionally abused on a daily basis. Oh, she was raised in church and head all the stories of God and how HE intervened in the lives of people but she did not fully understand the love that God had for her, she would soon find that out.

.......She found herself quickly in trouble with the third marriage and somewhere in the night, alone and crying she broke. Standing by an open window with her fists clenched, she yelled out to the God that she could not see but somewhere in the depth of her soul knew He was listening. “Why in the world do you allow this to continue” she cried as she shook that fist in the face of God. She would soon learn that HE was listening and HE was moving closer to her.

.......Some would call it coincidence but she will tell you today that it was divine intervention. Some would call it happenstance, she will tell you that it was Holy and without hesitation.

.......Through a process of events she found herself being moved to Anadarko Oklahoma in the middle of nowhere except that she did have a cousin living there. Tisha and Harold. Because of her troubled life she did not have close contact with her family much, some due to the shame that she felt and just no desire to live more than from day to day and energy for something else was too much to bear.

.......The Todd family, Tisha and Harold had three children of their own and living in a modest little home with just three bedrooms. They embraced that woman with her two sons and husband with the love and the spirit of giving that you would expect from these people. It would prove to be the best of times and the worst of times.

.......Tisha Todd that morning while in the shower heard from the Lord. As I remember it HE spoke and said “Today is Denise’s day” She will correct me if I am wrong but I am sure that was the spoken word that day. I remember she was so excited and told her husband Harold but she spoke nothing to me for fear that I would decide to stay home and not attend this women’s ministry. But attend I did.

.......That was 31 years ago today September 10. It has not been a walk in the park since that day and the trials would prove to be more than I could have even imagined.

.......I worked in the shop most of the day yesterday and found myself in tears most of the day. Each year at this time the Lord always bring back to my mind and my remembrance of that day. As I write this for you today I find myself in tears. It is as real today as it was that day in that room on a second floor of a small café. His presence is as real to me today as it was the instant that my spirit man was born again. It is as real to me today as I sit and pen these words for you as it were in the instant after all things became new in my life.

.......We look for miracles, we read about the miracles in the New Testament. We hear about the blind eye being opened and the lame walking. We hear about the miracles in other places and we watch for those miracles in our own lives. What we fail to understand that for a life that is broken and undone to be made new and a spirit that is dead being made alive is nothing short of a miracle.

.......Some people have said that the age of miracles is over……….. I need to disagree……..

.......He took a broken heart and made it new…….. He took hate from my heart that day that was embedded into my very soul……. How did HE do that? HE walked up to me and breathed the breath of life into my spirit and I came alive. HE gave me a new name and wrote my name in the Lamb’s book of life. HE sat me in heavenly places and moved me from death to life. I have entered into my eternity and I will never die……… How did HE do that?

.......What HE did that day is nothing short of raising the dead and making the blind eye see….. I am nothing short of a miracle. You are nothing short of a miracle! Remember that

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Living Quilt

Thanks Mary............ What a fun award.............. I have been here in the world of the blogs for over a year now. (I smooth missed my one year anniversary) and I have met some wonderful people and some that I have really connected to.......... I find that life is so strange sometimes. I have many friends that I talk to via email and have been for several years now, and I have a few friends here in town that are also on the Internet. However, not a one of those people go to or read my blog......... is that strange or what...................... God has taken hundreds of strangers and woven them together to make something beautiful. I would not have even imagined it if I were not a part of this beautiful living quilt. I believe that we are making life long friends that will out last even the blog world. Thanks to each of you that have made my life richer...... You are all a part of my life and even thought I cannot see you face to face I call you friend.............
I will be back and blogging next week.....................