I read on FB this morning about ministry. It reminded me of this post that I wrote over a year ago. I thought it worth posting again......... Ministry........ right in front of my nose..
...........My ministry. I spent years looking for and waiting for my ministry. Many years ago when I was first born-again there was a powerful woman of God that prophesied over me. I will never forget that day and her words resound in my mind on many occasions. I would teach and preach and minister to wounded women. I would be an instrument of God to touch women of no self worth.
......... I think it was the next day that I began looking for that ministry. I studied for hours and hours. I listened with a hungry heart to every word that came out of the mouth of many ministers on TV and in my local church. Years went by and nothing. I cried, I prayed, I begged for God to "bring me into my ministry" I have a passion that burns within me today for the wounded woman but try as I might I could not find my"niche".
........... The years have come and gone and I have gone through very dark times since then and I have gone through many mountain top experiences. I cannot tell you when I came to an understanding of "my ministry" but thankfully I did. When I was first saved I was a mess and I would have been no help to anyone. There were things that the Lord and I had to work through before I could see Him clearly. I had a distorted view of all things of the Lord but knew that He lived within me and I so wanted to know the truth. I studied.
... Over the years I have been a preacher, a teacher, a leader of many women's groups. I have spoke in front of many and I have spoke in front of few. I have laid hands and anointed with oil and seen God heal. I can tell you that I am in my element when I am standing in front of groups of people large or small. But......... (you knew there was a but coming)
....I have learned over the years that our ministry is not in billboard neon signs. We are not all Joyce Myers' or Kenneth Copeland's. If you study the life of Christ you will see His ministry.
.... He moved through His world never staying still in one spot. His world was small compared to ours but He moved through His world with compassion for the few and compassion for the many. His ministry was to minister to the needs before Him whether it be healing or hunger. He was a healer when healing was needed, He was a teacher when it was called for, He was a provider when the people were hungry. He encouraged when people needed to be encouraged. He was all things to all men. That was who He was and that was His ministry. When He was 12 and found in the temple teaching His words to His mother were "I must be about my Fathers business" What is the business of the Father? It is people.
........ I was set free many years ago when He taught me that today I may need to just encourage someone. Tomorrow I may need lay hands on someone and pray the prayer of faith for their healing. If I come upon someone in need of food I will be called on to give "bread'. That is my ministry, and when I open my ears to His voice and keep my heart obedient to His calling then I find my self slap dab in the middle of a ministry that touches lives on a daily basis. Whether it be here in the blog or if it be on the streets of my small town. When I remain obedient to His voice I am walking in the middle of His will for my life. What a sense of freedom it bring to my heart and spirit man as I lay down at night. For me it is the understanding that when the sun comes up the following morning I need do nothing but walk in my world and be obedient and wait with much anticipation for what He will ask me to do today.
.........My ministry is obedience to His voice.......... He is in charge of the outcome.
Let me add a great big amen to this my friend. I love you.
you hit the nail right on the head dear girl...
If we just leave the choice of our ministry up to God .. he will place us where He wants us when He wants us there to full fill His purpose for our lives...and Our ministry will be done through Him who called us for His purpose...
Amen and Amen...
You are exactly right Denise!
Amen! Obedience is the key. To have His will not ours. I love the way you wrote your story, with your heart:)
Yes, we can serve God and others in the smallest things, not just the 'big', noticeable ways. (( hugs )) D
Hello!! Great post!! I am still planning on sending you money for that T shirt..just have to wait for a payday..Hm!! Always something getting in the way of something FUN..right? Thanks for stopping by when you do.
Hello!! Great post!! I am still planning on sending you money for that T shirt..just have to wait for a payday..Hm!! Always something getting in the way of something FUN..right? Thanks for stopping by when you do.
So true Denise! We are all called to obedience!!
Very true, Denise.
God has plans for each of us...we need to just trust and obey.
If we are still and listen, we will hear the Father's voice.
I just want you to know that many times you have ministered to me through your blog. You are teaching me everyday.
Love and hugs,
Yes and Amen!
satan has used this to flip me around so many times.
I have felt the fire of God flowing through me as I taught and prayed for women.
It would be nice I have thought to be there all the time.
But, He is teaching me that if I am willing to be used--ministry is every where.
This is a right on post.
That is wonderful! It is so true and I feel the same way.
You asked about Beth Moore. This was my first study and as I said, I didn't finish it! I did about three chapters and I thought she was great. I keep hearing that her studies are really intense, but that you learn a lot!
:0) Sharon
Personally, I don't have a ministry. The Lord has a ministry through me. I don't have a purpose either, again, the Lord has a purpose in and through me. I like it this way because there's no pressure to be anything other than who I am in Him.
How very right you are. This was a great testimony. I thank you for sharing it. Just yesterday a wonderful friend and i were talking about this very thing. You just reaffirmed what we talked about yesterday. Amazing
It's hard sometimes to wait, expecting God's work to land in our laps. And it's enlightening when we realize He puts small ministries in our laps every day. Blessings follow obedience! -Polly
Yes, ministry can encompass so many things. You are a great encourager, my friend!
Please stop over to my Writing Nook. I have a little something for you.
I agree. This was a great post.
I talked with our pastor tonight.
We have a children's ministry and God is giving me a vision for a family ministry. I am just realing praying over it right now.
Everyday life ministry.
Hope you had a good weekend.
p.s. God has used in mighty ways
to minister to my heart during this season of life. You are a special blessing from Him!
You hit the point Denise! We are all born for a purpose and this can only be possible if we obey God in our lives...
hi have just found your web site and am totally blown away by the sameritan woman how i can relate to this woman i gave my life in 1996 but have constantly retuned to the ugliness of my past after 2 failed marriages and hurt and pain i have caused to countless amount of people of which i sruggle to cope this is never my intention please help me how can i realyy repent and can i dare ask for forgiveness please help x
Debbie......... I have no way to contact you as you do not have a blog open and there is no email address.......... :) I have an email address on the profile page and It would be nice if you open your blog and let us visit with you.. There are a lot of women here on this blog that have wonderful insite to the grace of God by which we are saved....
hi denise have emailed you
love ya
I love it!! We all have gifts and a calling. We may not always understand what we are doing until after it is done. Praise that you have come to this understanding at this time. I know that He has a job for me in this place and in this time if I am obedient and open to His leading.
Mama Bear
I mailed my $ on Sunday morning...hope you receive it soon. Mail from the US to here is quick, don't worry! D
Wonderful and I agree totally. Linda
A beautiful post today. Very uplifting. You have such a way with words. God Bless you. Have a wonderful week..
Love is the call to love Him with all and to love each other that way too. Walking and breathing that love.
Good post, I have watched so many look for that lime light missing being a light all the way along the path before them.
YES AND AMEN~ Sister! Your story sounds like my story!
Wonderful post!
Sweet Blessings!
Dear friend,
How blessed I am to have come here this evening! I know with all my heart the Lord sent me to your blog. I so needed to hear your precious words.
"Ministry is obedience to His voice." What could be more true? What an awesome statement!
I must carry this in my spirit and let it sink in. I have known this truth, but somehow my heart is overwhelmed by it right now!
Many blessings to you! God bless you for your faithfulness and ministry - His ministry!
Love in Jesus,
The crowds in the heavens and on this earth stand and applaud such a truth.
Obedience is grater than any sacrifice.
It is that fellowship of every moment just abiding. Being who where and what he might create us to be in this very breadth.
Our ministries are so varied. "Living our faith" is our greatest ministry. Other ways will present themselves along the way. At least that's what I think. I appreciate your walk.
yes, be obedient to him!! Amen, but there are those time I haven't and have regretted it and the pain is awful.....if only I would have, but cant go back in time, but I can go foreword and be forgiven, the love of my Father....
I SOOOOOOOO love you~
Sister's ALWAYS
Thank you for posting this. I am trying to catch up with everyone. God has been so good to us. I have to remember that God is good in the bad times as well as the good times.. He is my strength..
Bunches of hugs...
I was wondering if you had been writing here.
This is precious. There is something in me that groans when I see a female pushing for a ministry. Some waiting for that big moment when everyone will know their name. You are right....all those He calls will not become Beth Moores or Joyce Meyers.I have learned over the years by listening to these women that it took years for God to prepare them for the position they are in.
Even today...though I know He called me to some type of ministry years ago....I am still being prepared. And if that ministry is just to touch people around me....what a great ministry that is! Would I be willing to touch just one person for His names sake and consider that the greatest thing in life?
Good thoughts girl!
And now I see that I have already commented here...guess it just hit me afresh.
Love ya girl!
Keep writing...God is using it.
You write so beautifully, Denise. Each day is a blessing, but knowing God and having faith is the biggest blessing yet. I love our Father so much!!
love YOU, too!
Beautiful post. You certainly minister to me. I praise God each time I think of you.
Oh Denise,
The Lord led me here tonight and I know I was meant to read this very post. It blessed me so much!!
I've had people tell me that our purposes ... and our ministries can be for a season... -- true but I'm finding that just asking God everyday... to LEAD and I'll follow. I never know what's gonna happen, or who'll meet... but to say "Yes, Lord,... I'll go," is what He wants. You are so right that it's ever changing! We just have to LISTEN and obey.
I'm so happy I read this tonight!
Holykisses xoxo
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!!
Such true words! Our ministry is all around us!
I love the last line! Awesome!
My ministry is obedience...oh Denise, that is so true!
I love this post. Thank you for re posting it today.
Perhaps one of the most helpful, profound posts I've ever read Denise. Thank you for the re-post. I needed it!
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