Wednesday, March 19, 2008

That's A Fact !!!

2Cr 4:8 [We are] troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [we are] perplexed, but not in despair;

2Cr 4:9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Oh my..... that's a fact!.......

I was up very late last night... trouble with my legs so I sat here in my new comfy chair and surfed the blogs......... My heart laughed with many of them and then cried with many........ There is trouble on every hand in the lives of so many of God's people.... and that is a fact................

I was born again in the late 70's and it was not many years after that that the name it and claim it gospel was spreading through the church..... I was living in Tulsa Oklahoma and I can tell you that it was terrible....... If you needed something all you had to do was name it and claim it...... If you were sick you just needed ignore the facts and just claim that you were well... ....... If you were living from pay check to pay check then you faith was brought into judgment..Because all you had to do what find the scripture that talked about prosperity and claim it and all your money needs would be over..... Name it and claim it....All you had to do was confess the word, confess the word, repetition repetition .. I think the word of God calls it vain repetition .......deny the fact...... ignore what was before us....... put our head in the sand and quote over and over and over that it is not real........ Name it and claim it..........Mercy It was a terrible time in the body of Christ..

It brought about doubt and shame and insecurity in the child of God that could not seem to "get what they needed from the Lord". They were looked upon as weak in their faith........... How not like God............. show me one hero in the word of God that did not suffer in their lives.......... Not a one............. If there was trouble in your life then you were not believing God enough and you were weak in the faith..... Mercy........ I am glad that period in the body of Christ has passed away..............

I knew people personally that kept a little book of all the things that they were claiming in the name of Christ and they would put a check mark beside it when it came to pass....... I tell you this because it was a false doctrine and it hurt a lot of people...

..........There are facts of life that we cannot avoid no matter what we do....... Facts are facts and they are undisputed............ OR are they.........

2Cr 4:8 FACT [We are] troubled on every side, TRUTH yet not distressed; FACT [we are] perplexed, TRUTH but not in despair;

2Cr 4:9 FACT Persecuted, TRUTH but not forsaken; FACT cast down, TRUTH but not destroyed;....

We have to understand that after every fact in our life there is a TRUTH in the word of God .. There will always be a TRUTH in His word that we can lean on when the facts overwhelm us..... The facts are.................... but the TRUTH is greater................ The word tells us that there is trouble....that we will be perplexed ... we will be persecuted, we will be cast down....... those are facts........... but let us move our eyes from the facts that press in on us daily and keep our eyes focused on the truth of the word of God ...... His word is Truth and it is greater than the facts that we face ........... He is truth........... and His truth will set us free..............


Mary said...


A very powerful post! I remember the "Name it and claim it" period way back then and I too am glad that it's over.

Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy my visits here. If you have time, drop over and see the photos of Barry and Michelle's wedding. They were married in their home today.

Love and blessings,

Sharon Brumfield said...

I also remember the name it claim it "gospel". What a mess we become when we lean to our own understanding.

I may not understand what is going on in my life--BUT I do know that nothing can touch me-His child-unless He gives permission. That truth brings safety.
He will never leave me or forsake me.
That brings comfort.
And one day-what a glorious day!-this will all be over. And we will reign with Him forever more!
Good words!
It is time to know what we know!
On our guard and alert.

Joyce said...

Amen, I heard that too. I almost believed it, but I praise the Lord I worked through it. Very powerful. Thank You friend.


Chris said...

Bless you for bringing up these powerful Scriptures, my friend!

I wish your legs were all better, but I'm grateful that you are using your infirmaties to encourage.


Denise said...

Praise God for these scriptures my friend, praying for you.

sharon brobst said...

Denise you are so right...There is nothing more important than the TRUTH and Truth only comes from God and His word!

Mary said...


The wedding was very informal and we did have a lot of fun. The cake was the bride's choice and everyone thought it was delicious. I even allowed myself a very small piece. The icing was very sweet so I didn't eat that, but the cake was wonderful. I do have to be very careful because of my diabetes.

Thank you for your comments. Easter blessings to you and yours.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Good words.